中文名称: 土壤基因组DNA提取试剂盒
PS1598 土壤基因组DNA提取试剂盒 珠磨法 (普西唐-psaitong)
Before the first use, add the indicated amount of ethanol into PQ solution bottle, Buffer WB bottle, mix well, and mark the bottle with a check.
1:Add up to 500 mg of soil sample to a Bead Tube.
2:Add 980 μl Sodium Phosphate Buffer to sample in Bead Tube.Gentle votex to mix. Add 120 μl MT Buffer.
Note: Check MT Buffer. If MT Buffer is precipitated, heat solution to 60°C until dissolved before use.
3:Homogenize in the FastPrep® Instrument for 40 seconds at a speed setting of 6.0.
4:Centrifuge at 12,000 x g for 5minutes to pellet debris.
5:Transfer supernatant to a clean 2.0 ml centrifuge tube. Add 250μl PPS Solution and mix by shaking the tube by hand 10 times.Incubate at 4°C for 5 minutes.
6:Centrifuge tubes at 10,000 x g for 3 minute at room temperature.Avoiding pellet, transfer up to, but no more than, 900 μl of supernatant to a clean 2 ml centrifuge tube.
7:Add 300 μl of IRS Solution(1/3 volume) and vortex briefly. Incubate at 4°C for 5 minutes.
8:Centrifuge tubes at 10,000 x g for 1 minute at room temperature. Avoiding pellet, transfer the supernatant into a clean 5 ml centrifuge tube.
9:Add 1.5 volumes of PQ Solution to the cleared supernatant and mix by pipetting.
Example: To 1100 μl lysate add 1650 μl PQ Solution. Reduce the amount of PQ Solution accordingly if less supernatant is recovered. A precipitate may form after the addition of ethanol but this will not affect the procedure.
Note: Ensure ethanol has been added to PQ Solution.
Note: It is important to pipet PQ Solution directly onto the cleared supernatant and to mix immediately.
10:Load approximately 700 μl mixture onto Spin Filter(sitting in collection tube) and centrifuge at 10,000 x g for 1 minute at room temperature. Discard flow through. Load another 700 μl and repeat untill all remaining mixture is loaded on Spin Filter.
Note: A total of 4-5 loads for each sample processed may be required.
11:Add 600 μl of Buffer WB to Spin Filter and centrifuge at 10,000 x g for 30 seconds at room temperature. Discard flow through. Repeat Step 11 with another 600 μl Buffer WB.
Note: Ensure ethanol is added to Buffer WB.
12:CentrifugeSpinFilterat13,000xgfor2minuteatroomtemperature to dry the Spin Filter.
13:Carefully place Spin Filter in clean 1.5 ml centrifuge tube. Avoid splashing any Buffer WB onto Spin Filter. Add 100 μl of Elution Buffer (Optional: pre-warm the water to 70–90C will increase the DNA yield) to the center of the column membrane. Incubate at room temperature for 3-5 min, and centrifuge at 13,000 x g for 1 min to elute the DNA.
Note: Use smaller volume(minimum 30μl) of Elution Buffer will obtain higher concentration.
Optional: Put eluate back to the Spin Column to repeat elution once. This increases concentration of DNA about 10-15%.
组分名称 50T 储存
Bead Tube 50EA 室温
Sodium Phosphate Buffer 50mL 室温
MT Buffer 6mL 室温
PPS Solution 13mL 室温
IRS Solution 15mL 室温
PQ Solution 35mL(首次使用前添加两倍体积的乙醇) 室温
Buffer WB 13mL(首次使用前添加四倍体积的乙醇) 室温
Elution Buffer 15mL 室温
DNA Bind Columns 50EA 室温
室温运输,按说明书保存 。
参考文献 & 客户发表文献

质量 (g) = 浓度 (mol/L) x 体积 (L) x 分子量 (g/mol)


  • =
    *选择对应的单位 *空出希望得到的变量,填写另外两个变量

开始浓度 x 开始体积 = 最终浓度 x 最终体积


稀释公式一般简略地表示为:C1V1 = C2V2 ( 输入 输出 )

  • * = *


  • 连续稀释

  • 初始浓度:
  • 稀释倍数:
  • 计算结果

  • C1=C0/X C1: LOG(C1):
    C2=C1/X C2: LOG(C2):
    C3=C2/X C3: LOG(C3):
    C4=C3/X C4: LOG(C4):
    C5=C4/X C5: LOG(C5):
    C6=C5/X C6: LOG(C6):
    C7=C6/X C7: LOG(C7):
    C8=C7/X C8: LOG(C8):