一种从山苍子 (Litsea cubeba) 根中提取的阿扑吗啡异喹啉生物碱,具有抗氧化,抗炎和细胞保护作用。Boldine 抑制破骨细胞生成,通过下调 OPG/RANKL/RANK 信号途径来改善骨破坏,并且可用于类风湿性关节炎研究。Boldine is an alkaloid of the aporphine class that can be found in the boldo tree and in Lindera aggregata. Boldine has antioxidant activity that effectively protects against free radical induced lipid peroxidation or enzyme inactivation. In addition, it has alpha-adrenergic antagonist activities in vascular tissue, and it has also been reported to have hepatoprotective, cytoprotective, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects.
质量 (g) = 浓度 (mol/L) x 体积 (L) x 分子量 (g/mol)
开始浓度 x 开始体积 = 最终浓度 x 最终体积
稀释公式一般简略地表示为:C1V1 = C2V2 ( 输入 输出 )